Norfolk Coast Photography Course

Norfolk Coast photography course I had a fantastic three days running my three-day Norfolk coast photography course. I always run this course in September because the light can be stunning at this time of year on the Norfolk coast. We were blessed with really good weather conditions which lead to some brilliant Norfolk skies and some of that great Norfolk … Read More

Photographing Spoonbills-Wildlife Photography

Wildlife Photography – Photographing Spoonbills. For the first time (to my knowledge) there are nesting spoonbills at a local wetland where I live in Essex, which is absolutely marvellous. Spoonbills are a large wetland bird with a huge spoon-like bill, hence the name. They really are a fantastic bird to photograph and have been on my list of birds I … Read More

Creative Use of Shutter Speed

One of the joys of photographing a moving subject is that you can record it in a completely natural way or to take a step away from reality by using a slow shutter speed. A fast shutter speed will freeze any movement present in the scene. So if you are photographing crashing waves against a cliff for example, every water … Read More

Coastal Photography

I have been spending a fair amount of time on the coast recently. I think coastal locations offer so many options for photographers. Indeed the thing I like most is the fact that the coast is such a dynamic, changing environment. From sweeping landscape compositions to close-up detail pictures, there’s something for every photographer to get stuck into. Of course … Read More

Macro Photography

Early summer is a fantastic time to have a go at macro and close-up photography.  Many flowers are coming into full bloom and insects are emerging. I love dusting down my macro lens and getting out to photograph butterflies and dragonflies. When it comes to photographing insects, using a long focal length such as a 100-400mm zoom lens can also … Read More